21 April 2020 - Hand sanitiser
Hand sanitiser
Always been a fan. Have little ones in my handbag, my glovebox, in the kitchen and bathroom for when a quick swipe over is enough, soap and water not necessary. It's been a convenience in the past, not something to which I attached life and death. Now hand sanitiser is the stuff of headlines. A weapon in the arsenal we all need to wage war.
Every day.
My little handbag buddy has grown into adulthood, widely known and recognised for life saving attributes it has become an essential worker in the fight, a necessary adjunct to every expedition. If you don't have it on your person when you visit the supermarket you have it pressed upon you. So sought after and now in such short supply that whole factories are converting their peacetime efforts to producing sanitiser for the troops. A truly bizarre turn of events.
Such an unlikely hero. Clothed in glistening, bubble filled beauty. So tactile, smoothing away to invisibility.