'When I wake up' by Jessica Jarlvi

When I wake up by Jessica Jarlvi is a debut novel. I seek out first books that often come after years of writing, editing, reflection, re-writing. Another book I found on display at the library, when I was on the hunt for some escapism reading.

Gripping. Surprising. Is the person we live with who we think they are? What happens when, from one moment to another, you’re ‘out of action’ and others, the police and the husband who do not trust each other, dig into your life beyond its façade?

Perfect for its purpose. I read it in a few days, this fat book is in some places a bit flat, but mostly engaging. If you’re into thrillers, and escapism, this is a good one. I’ll be looking out for her second book.

Fiction, Thriller, 2019Hella Bauer