4 April 2020, Yey it's the weekend...

Weekend on a string

When the mornings are clear, a hint of sunrise perhaps, the urge to leap out of bed and adrenaline around the alarm being on or off. A tangle of confusion is it really on, space for the weekend or not.

Working lives are habitual I suppose, you get used to a routine not being a routine person, so when a schedule overlord is absent the world blooms into a multi-coloured avalanche of possibilities, tinted by that adrenaline hangover from workaday memories.

Press-ups for weekend, you push up as work pulls you down. Survival for a while until a reversal happens somewhere after your first coffee and shower, when you’re not rushing off, and softly that push-up is floating, weightless, shaking off the muscle tension and easing into the gentler routine of freedom.

Weekends for me are usually random intuitive opportunities. Sometimes the weather has an influence, or a commitment to see friends. Currently there’s the enforced homeliness, breakfast on the deck and a looming assignment deadline for study that feels different.

A little sticker downstairs somewhere given by a friend says ‘don’t push me I’m waiting until the last minute’ and that sums it up really, not that I sit around all day doing nothing, it’s just that I’m not a structured studier. Once I get into it and my curiosity is aroused things are better.

Meanwhile I live, I write, am reading a book on ancient roses that is beautifully arranged and reads like a detective story finding the mother of a baby born and left in a circus.




Hella Bauer